Hokkaido pants

I OWN A PAIR OF REAL HOKKAIDO PANTS!!! *dancing around cuddling with the pants* Pantsu pantsu pantsu pantsu... <3

Sometimes I really love working were I are right now. The whole thing started yesterday when we stood and watched clothes, hanging up cloth and so on. Earlier this week some girl got three Kimonos. They were so beautiful all three of them! One in black, one in gold and one in silver. Unfortunately, the black black one was sent to the store before I had the chance to grab it, and the other two was not really my size and some worn, but I ended up putting the gold and the black kimono in my ''I will buy box''. Anyhow... Yesterday I got my hand on a full Budo suit (white martial art), and I thought it was pretty cool that someone was giving it up for charity. I explained for my coworkers what it was and I hanged it aside. Later on that day, the girl who is working across from me called out my name. I looked up and she was holding a black cloth in her hands asking if I knew what it was. I almost immediately saw that she was holding a pair of Hokkaido pants. I jumped towards her and riped the pants out of her hands while I was saying OMG OMG OMG OMG!! When I had ascertained that it really was a pair of Hokkaido pants I started to hugging it and smiling like a crazy person while I explained what it was. The other that also works with looking over clothes came to see why I was so jolly happy and skipping around like a crazy person. One old lady looked at me as I was laying on my table cuddling the pants and she said that she had a man at home that she loved. I responded that I didn't have a man and that I loved my pants instead. Then I put the pants in my box ^^ And I was jolly happy all the rest of that day.

Today I was able to bring all in my box home with me. My two kimonos, my hokkaiodo pants, a lambswool sweater and a foot bath! That foot bath are love to me. I found it - also on work (I love working were tons and tons of stuff comes in every day). It's really new and fresh, the plastic are still on it and everything. And the brand are really good too, buying it in a store the foot bath would have cost what all my stuff cost now. I just unpacked it and it has cute extra parts. It's electric and it's huge!! A real massage foot bath! Just what my cold hurting feet needs right now. I'm just a little worried though; I'm extremely ticklish under my feet (I can't massage or scratch my self, I just cranks up in laughter) so this could be really interesting. Guess what I'm gonna do tonight ^^

I could really need a foot bath and just relaxing tonight, I have been feeling nauseas all day. I'm hungry but when I just think food I want to throw up. Pity me!

And to all you Gravitation fans out there: here you go ^^

And some Kingdom Hearts!!

Anime Review: Bastard

6 episodes

The story is about a young girl Yoko who is a magician with a very special task in life: she looks after the little boy Luche Len Len, a young boy who holds one of the most powerful magicians through time inside his body. The magician Dark Schneider was captured 15 years ago when he and his comrades tried to dominate the world. But Dark Schneider was captured and imprison in the little boy.

But now, 15 years later Schneiders companions have tried to take over the world by them selves, and now the people have to seek out for greater help. It is time to release Dark Schnider. But he is not the same person that he was 15 years ago, he shares feelings and some personality with the boy, something that makes him to set out on a hunt after his former friends with Yoko.

It?s a OK series, short, action, and how can you say no to a half naked gorgeous demon? ^^

Would you want to know?

The other day I was watching the move Love Actually (blue eyed Huge Grant with rowdy hair ^w^), it's a neat move, I actually like it a lot even if it's a chick flick romantic comedy. Usually I not in to that stuff but this one I really like (blue eyed Huge Grant with rowdy hair ^w^). One thing that I was thinking of is this: in the movie it is Christmas and people declare their love to each others, even to the brothers new wife. But I wonder: would you really want to know if your best friend of siblings partner has a crush on you?

Please let me know your thoughts with a comment (kommentar)...


This is the second night in a row that I have slept!! It feels really nice to have slept for two whole nights now, lets hope that this continue. And I slept with ,y bed warmers tonight too. My bean bag and my electric heat warmer. My bed was so cosy tonight ^^

But something good come out not being able to sleep the other night: I was hanging around the dolly community Den of Angel, and was able to get the newest info on the DoD Idol boys ^^ So something good came out of it ^^

But now I have to be going to the buss stop.

The good thing

Here we go again I guess. DoD came out with their new dolls today and I'm so in love with the body! OMG!! Seriously: can dolls be this freakingly awesome? Holy mother of mine... I'm so week for the Luke v1 right now...
Such a pretty face. But on the same time, I really love their bodies. I just want to know hos tall they are, and then I have heard that DoD dolls don't pose that good and I don't like that at all. If I'm gonna have a tall doll it have to be a God at posing. I would make him my personally model and photograph him all the time in all kind of outfits, so a good poser is a must.

I have found my model doll in Kyle Reese He is so wonderful, I love his face so much and his body...
Well, look at it! How can you not just melt down at sight? I will so have him one day. He is a dream doll of mine right now. Some day... But first my sweet sweet DZ Hid. And then we have to see what he future holds.

Life still sucks, but I guess that's not anything unusual for me. It's 4 AM right now and I can't sleep. The whole every second night starting to be more and more consistent right now. Can't say I like it that much. I want to sleep every night dammit! But I guess just wait and hope it will get better. Sooner rather then later.

And to night on the TV they were showing all three Bruce Lee movies: Way of the dragon, Big Boss and Fist of fury. I haven't been a big fan of Bruce Lee movies, but I watched them now and can see that they are rather good actually. And Chuck Norris is a hairy bastard. Damn that hairy body... I wouldn't touch him with gloves unless he waxed. I just don't like that kind of body hair... No back hair for example! And if guys expect us girls to shave and wax, they should do the same for us. Fair enough. Now I'm gonna write the last on my Malkavian character before sending it to my GM. So, go on and click on the videos now... shoo shoo.

This video are just so powerful, first time I saw this it gave me goose bumps all over me.

And this video just made me cry. The song and story are just so... *sob*

Nights of tears

I really don't get my self sometimes... My sleeping rhythm is so out of order right now. I would really need to sleep deep and long every night to be able to be a wake on the days when I have to be working (starting this past week now). But can I sleep? No, I sleep every second night and are awake every other night. I need the sleep and it's not like I stay up on purpose, I just can't sleep. Like right now. I would really need to sleep properly, but I just can't sleep. I would really want my sleeping pills right now. With them I would fall asleep in ten minutes and wake up fully at rest the next morning, without a wake up call. I miss those. But my doctor said I did not need them any more so I didn't get a new prescription. And the one I have instead are not really sleeping pills but tranquilizers to calm you down. And yes they do calm you down.. They make you very sleepy but i takes a couple of hours, and I don't wake up fully rest, and I get dozy the next day too. I don't like them at all.

And yes, I'm doing something in the days now. I sort cloth at Myrorna (a kind of benefaction). It's ok, I look at cloth, put cloth on coat hangers and put the cloth in a pile. Then I start over again. Not the most stimulation job ever, but I do something at least in the waiting of a real job. And a big benefit is that you can buy things really cheap! There are some really new and great things that comes in every now and then. Everything from brand new shoes to the latest books. I found myself a new poncho. I love those things! As a cold blooded creature I am I need help to hold the warmth and a knitted poncho are just great. I have one old. It's black and round but now I found a newer, triangular one and I love it! It's big and cozy, just what I need now in the winter.

It does feels good to do something again, but my feet are so mad at me right now. I stand all day long and my feet don't really like that right now. I will get use to it, but till then they will whine and complain about it. Damn feet. Why do we have them? And those toes... Only hitting things and hurts.

Something good though: I have get a girlfriend. She is so sweet and funny, and I really like spending time with her. We are in the same organization board, and now we have seen each other on our free time. She likes anime like me, she likes dolls and we can laugh at the same tings, and we drool over the same hawt hawt anime characters (Axel... Dante... Alucard... Vincent Valentine...)!! She's my girlfriend. And I really like laying with my head in her knee, be petted and just purr. I talk anime and doll with someone! I have missed that o much.

-lol- Last time I was there with my hard drive to exchange anime stuff, I show her the intro of the anime Zombie-Loan, and when the male characters come on screen she fell of her chair! I know I'm with the right people when I'm not the only one that get knocked of my feet by a fictional character. And she have a Axel doll and a Vincent doll! They are so hawt! I wouldn't mind woken up looking at them, no no. It's so sweet to exchange anime stuff. I have gotten a lots of great AMV's from her (some of them gave me goosebumps) and some interesting anime tips. While she has got both anime and pictures and AMV's from me. Charing is caring. But despite all of this I don't know if I feel alright at all. I mean, I can't be feeling too good if I finds myself in the bathroom at work trying to keep me from crying. I can't really handle set-backs, I'm insecure at some things and starting to feel as I did some month ago. And I really don't have the fortitude to starting to go through all that shit again. Stress is eating me from inside and, I'm really not at ease right now. Even if I seems calm and everything.

And now come the sleepiness I have been waiting for. Finally I can go to sleep. That will be so nice. Wish me luck!

Weather: reason of hate

If it is one thing I can whine forever about it is the weather! I totally hate the wather 70% of the time. It to hot or to cold, or to wet or to windy. Right now it is dark out side, it rains and the wather really sucks. My jacket is soaked and my shoes are wet and I'm cold. If I didn't had the sweet substitute cats that I'm 
babysitting this weekend I would probably be... I wouldn't be wet beacouse I wouldn't have been going outside in 
this hell wather, but the cats are so sweet and cute.

And I'm gonna meet a new friendship too. Sent some time with her yesterday, and she likes anime, role playing, live acting role play and dolls! Finally someone that I can meet and talk dolls with! My God I have missed that... And having someone that don't lokk bored with my anime talkt either... She seems like a nice person ^^ Someone who likes dolls and anime... How can a person like that not be nice? XD

Right now I want my thick warm yarn socks, a chicken sallad plate with newbaked bread and chocolate... I think I'm gonna stop by the shop later... Mmm... Chocolate...

I feel a little better now when I have whine about the weather. 
Now I will go back to petting the cats and have cold feet.

Io Goes English

I have decided to continue to write this in English instead of Swedish. Why, you may ask.
- Because English comes to me more right now, I express myself better in English, and finally: it goes better internationally ^^ And I want to be better at English too so, why not.

I might change back someday... But right now I'm going English in my blog ^^ Yay me! Now I just need to keep this up to date? But hopefully I will be better at that ^^ I promise that I will try ^^

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