It's funny how a person can make such a effect in ones life. I know some people in among my friends that almost always brings a smile upon my lips. Some people just makes you smile within your heart. Those people are a rare group in my life, rare but more worth than gold to me. And so, I hve found another peron that makes me smile just like that. To be able to laugh so much that you actually swallow on your own spit is a pretty great experience. Not the swallowing part, but the laughing part. And the day before yesterday I laughed that hard. For the whole evening. That took me to a jolly skipping feel good mood. A mood that continued yesterday. Not even my stressed out worries could break my bubble then.
I'm getting to know a person that crank me up in laughter, my present was shipped yesterday, my cold is being defeated and I played Exalted last night! I meet Eiji again! I love him... I would so do him XD (he is a role playing character and I?m the one that plays him, but hey, other that that I would so totally do him, even if he is gay). And meet with friends. That felt nice. I missed Stargate Atlantis tho... And Jason Momoa... Little sob about that.
I have finished my Pratchett book. Now what should I read? Here are all his book in the series called "Disc world":
[ ] The Color/Colour of Magic
[ ] The Light Fantastic
[x] Equal Rites
[ ] Mort
[x] Sourcery
[ ] Wyrd Sisters
[ ] Pyramids
[ ] Guards! Guards!
[x] Eric
[ ] Moving Pictures
[ ] Reaper Man
[x] Witches Abroad
[x] Small Gods
[x] Lords and Ladies
[x] Men at Arms
[x] Soul Music
[ ] Interesting Times
[x] Maskerade
[x] Feet of Clay
[x] Hogfather
[ ] Jingo
[ ] The Last Continent
[ ] Carpe Jugulum
[ ] The Fifth Elephant
[ ] The Truth
[ ] Thief of Time
[ ] Night Watch
[ ] Monstrous Regiment
[ ] Going Postal
[ ] Thud!
I have to get more of them... I have to go to Stockholm to get more of them... -_- Or order through the internet. But I have bought all my book in a real store so... I want to hold them when I buy them. And that's means I have to go to STHLM. That sucks.
I'm getting to know a person that crank me up in laughter, my present was shipped yesterday, my cold is being defeated and I played Exalted last night! I meet Eiji again! I love him... I would so do him XD (he is a role playing character and I?m the one that plays him, but hey, other that that I would so totally do him, even if he is gay). And meet with friends. That felt nice. I missed Stargate Atlantis tho... And Jason Momoa... Little sob about that.
I have finished my Pratchett book. Now what should I read? Here are all his book in the series called "Disc world":
[ ] The Color/Colour of Magic
[ ] The Light Fantastic
[x] Equal Rites
[ ] Mort
[x] Sourcery
[ ] Wyrd Sisters
[ ] Pyramids
[ ] Guards! Guards!
[x] Eric
[ ] Moving Pictures
[ ] Reaper Man
[x] Witches Abroad
[x] Small Gods
[x] Lords and Ladies
[x] Men at Arms
[x] Soul Music
[ ] Interesting Times
[x] Maskerade
[x] Feet of Clay
[x] Hogfather
[ ] Jingo
[ ] The Last Continent
[ ] Carpe Jugulum
[ ] The Fifth Elephant
[ ] The Truth
[ ] Thief of Time
[ ] Night Watch
[ ] Monstrous Regiment
[ ] Going Postal
[ ] Thud!
I have to get more of them... I have to go to Stockholm to get more of them... -_- Or order through the internet. But I have bought all my book in a real store so... I want to hold them when I buy them. And that's means I have to go to STHLM. That sucks.
Postat av: Ewie
så gullig sida :)
Postat av: Natalie B
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